Sunday, January 29, 2012

Sun in January

One of the reasons, albeit, a smaller reason we chose Costa Rica was for the summer-type weather year round. It's not very hot in San Jose, it's pleasantly warm, and the sun shines every day. It's truly a wonderful gift. We appreciate it after 3 years in Portland, and 2 long months of the rainy season here in San Jose. I have to say, I do wish Kira was here to lay in the sun, as it is her favorite pass-times. But she is probably doing that in LA at Patricia's ranch.

"Central Vally Playgroup"

Christiana and Myles


Grandpa Mike said...

It's obvious I need to get down to Costa Rica to protect my grandson :). These things happen to little boys. Morgan had the same kind of an accident when he was about the same age. Just be thankful you had a good doctor available.

foodgirl said...

too funny. Love the video. He has NO down doesn't he. :) I also wish I had some of that weather you are having. Today we had a snow storm. It was kind of a crazy one with lots of wind. Look cool, and we didn't get a ton of snow so I guess I shouldn't complain.